Data Verbs: Activity #1
[ Paper Version ]

Consider the following sequence of structured data below. Identify the data verb for the transition between each structured data table.

Goal: Obtain a list of locations that sell snowshoes on a Sunday near Winona, MN. The list should be ordered by distance and near Winona is defined to be locations whose area code is 507 or 608.

Notes: 1) Your browser is a canvas for this task. 2) With your mouse, drag and drop the appropriate data verb for each table transition. 3) Items can be resized with mouse + Shift. 4) Page will autoscroll when dragging data verbs.



      1. Does FILTER() influence the number of rows or columns?
      2. Does SELECT() influence the number of rows or columns?
      3. Adventure Cycle & Ski is right here in Winona, but this business was not included in the final table. Why?
      4. Identify a second ordering of these tables that will yield the same outcome.