Why Statistics is Not Data Science
Chris Malone | Tisha Hooks

Comparing definitions

0:STAT: Statistics is the science of data that focuses on understanding sources of variation, quantifying uncertainty, and confirming / contradicting hypotheses through inference
DSCI: The science of planning for, acquisition, management, analysis of, and inference from data (Source: StatSNSF Committee)

1:STAT: Analysis of data within a specific context
Can incorporate iterative process, etc
DSCI: Computational tools required for big/wide data
Non-traditional techniques used to analyze the data/create predictions - neural networks, machine learning, etc.

2:STAT: "The art and science of learning from data." Understanding real world problems through data.
DSCI: "The art and science of computing with data???"

3:STAT: The science of collecting, describing, analyzing, and presenting data. Statistics is important for making informed decisions and effective citizenship.
DSCI: Study and practice of the collection, maintenance, analysis, and visualization of data (often at a large scale) using ethical, computationally supported, and statistically valid methods.

4:STAT: Collection, Organization, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
DSCI: Statistics with bigger, messier data

5:STAT: A great chance to work with Tisha and Chris!
The science of designing studies and analyzing associated data.
The science of asking questions and answering those questions with data.
Extracting information from data.
Data-based decision making.

DSCI: The science of data gathering, exploration, and manipulation from unstructured or unconventional data sources.

6:STAT: gathering, exploring, visualizing, analyzing, communicating what the data says, communicating the results, letting the data speak, using data to make informed decisions,
DSCI: big data, integration of statistics and computer scientist, computation, less inferential more prediction focused, grabbing data from multiple sources, data manipulation and cleaning

Using data with uncertainties to answer questions about the world.
DSCI: Wrangling real (and really messy) data from any field to address questions about the world.
Data science is a subset of statistics?

8:STAT: Statistics is a science that studies variation in the world around us and uses methods and tools to describe data and make decisions.
DSCI: Data science is an interdisciplinary science that includes statistics, computer science, communication skills, and domain knowledge.

9:STAT: creating knowledge from data using models and analysis understanding uncertainty and bias
DSCI: combining tools from statistics and computer science to manage and analyze complex data, with greater emphasis on upstream (i.e., before analysis) data processing


11:STAT: The art and science of drawing insight from data accounting for uncertainty. Entire pipeline is considered an aspect of statistics (collection to communication).
DSCI: Application of computational and inferential thinking to a discipline-specific problem. Includes areas outside of statistics such as data management/storage.

12:STAT: The science of drawing inferences from data
DSCI: Integration of statistics, computation, and data management

13:STAT: Collecting, visualizing, and analyzing data to draw inferences about populations in the presence of uncertainty and communicating the results.
DSCI: Emerging field involving data management, computation, statistical models, visualization, interpretation, domain knowledge, communication, and decision-focused.
